Tuesday Fun–Baby Birds?

9 thoughts on “Tuesday Fun–Baby Birds?

  1. I love Flamingos. The high school cheerleaders do a fund raiser every year for their uniforms. They come to your house and put tons of flamingos in your lawn and then ring the doorbell and ask how much money will you pay to remove them. I always tell them to just leave them. Then I give them a nice donation. Fun.

    Have a fabulous day filled with tons of fun. β™₯

    Liked by 1 person

    1. ah yes, I’ve heard about “flocking”. We had someone down the street who had a flock in their yard that they arranged in various tableaux through the year. Football to nativity scenes. I found it hilarious. Enjoy your day! BTW, I made the link to your site live in my post (didn’t do it on the first pass)


    1. Get a second and you can have a breeding pair!😜. I actually don’t have any, just enjoy these vicariously. We have only a few feet between houses, so I get the view without the maintenance.


  2. I wanted a flock, too, but I just got otherwise involved in home maintenance and plastic flamingos weren’t on my upkeep agenda. But one of these days … They came in a lot of shapes, position, sizes, etc.


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