Bright Days coming

Its officially spring here in the northern hemisphere and our weather these days is fairly typical. Bright and sunny, relatively warm days split time with cloudy, cool windy days and some snow thrown in for general entertainment.

Yesterday morning, it was clear, sunny and breezy and cold, (20F/-7C). I looked out my back window where the middle schoolers were assembling at the bus stop. Most of the kids were in T shirts and shorts, a few tank tops with jackets thrown in. The day before, those outfits would have been comfortable. I can’t imagine they were comfy yesterday morning.

Highly changeable weather is tough on the plants, the animals and the people, and the change dynamics seem to be increasing, but that’s for another day. We have very few flowers yet, just a few tiny crocus and other early bulbs in sheltered spots. The prolonged snow cover has delayed blooms, but I noticed more green shoots when I was out today. The blooms aren’t too far away. Tulips and daffodils, some more snow, then the fruit trees. And if it’s a good year the blossoms won’t freeze and we’ll have apples and other fruit come summer and fall. In May, I expect iris, scenting the air like candy, and the poppies will pop, with their amazingly vivid orange. Such a beautiful color, and something to look forward to and enjoy. Like kittens, its really hard to stay grumpy in the face of such colorful exuberance.

Here’s to spring and its changes. Predictably, as spring break starts now for the school district and university, it is clouding up and there’s snow on the way. Enjoy your weekend.

ramble inspired by today’s Ragtag daily prompt of vivid.

6 thoughts on “Bright Days coming

      1. I’m not feeling a lot better. It’s hard to sleep at night, so I’m tired. I do remember being sick like this in the past and when the symptoms started to clear, sleeping a LOT.

        I’m with you; I’m not fond of hot weather, either, but this has just been a strange winter. I think I’ll be happy to have my car fixed, a working washer/dryer and no cold and since that’s all in the future, it might be increasing my longing for summer. 🙂

        Liked by 1 person

  1. What a lovely blog post! Spring is such an exciting time of year with all the transitions and new growth. I’m curious, what types of fruit trees do you have in your area that bloom in the spring?


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