Earth Day

Its Earth Day, and in fact the 50th anniversary of Earth Day.  As someone who remembers the first one, and back then started adjusting my life habits to be gentle on the earth and continues to be aware, it is with surprise that so many people are unaware or unconcerned. For me, its “old news” and still pertinent. Oh well.

I also believe in science and epidemiology and all sorts of things that some find suspect since they would rather these things not be true. I’m not going to spend my energy on that, I prefer to work in helpful ways.

It’s a nice day here in Colorado. Partly cloudy, breezy, mild temperatures.  I gave the lawn its first mowing of the year (using our rechargeable electric mower). I watered the garden (the cold hardy stuff that is sprouting and starting to grow: spinach, chard, sugar snap peas, some lettuces and carrots.  I planted shallots and potatoes outside.  I started my tomato seeds inside.  Where I live, it’s another month before our last frost date, when it’s “safe” to plant more tender plants and seed.  Safe means likely to be safe from frost, but all the other garden threats, particularly hail, thunderstorms, heat and drought, rabbits and voles remain.

It’s a pleasure to be growing things, and a fine reminder during this pandemic, with so much uncertainty, there is hope. Happy Earth Day, planet earth.  May we all treat you with the care and respect you have so long deserved.

And in other news, my big personal challenge is my father’s care as he is in hospice.  My stepmother is still highly anxious and fearful, and I finally was able to speak with the appropriate individual in their retirement community, articulate our family’s need and concerns for Dad’s care, and I think they got it. Nothing unreasonable. There’s a plan to help/support my stepmother, and I am hopeful that things will go a bit more smoothly from here on out.  We shall see, but at the moment I feel easier, and the report is that Dad is doing okay for now. Cheers!

8 thoughts on “Earth Day

  1. That sounds like a lovely day in Colorado! I think one of the good things to come out of this virus is a healing break for nature — fewer cars, ships, airplanes, etc., It seems to be having a good effect, and hopefully people will notice and maintain this. My thoughts are with you as your dad is in hospice. I know how stressful that is for all family members, and am glad you have connected with the retirement community. Stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Yes, I’ve had the same thought that the natural world is healing during this time and maybe indeed this whole pandemic will serve as a collective planetary wakeup. Thanks for your good wishes, and stay safe yourself!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. I just posted a new poem, based on the concept of renewal as evidenced by an observation of the hush the I hear/feel in the air these days. I hope that nature will take this time for a major cleansing, so that we can start anew with new resolve to protect the earth when the world opens up! Stay safe!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It is very hard on so many levels, Martha. Spending hours a day. The good news after a Zoom conference with my overwhelmed and generally self absorbed stepmother and the retirement center social worker, we now have an agreement that one of us Smythe kids can come for 3 hours every other day. I’ll be there at 9 am. She’s also likely to bail at anytime, and then we will have 24/7, which in many ways will be easier. I haven’t had this much muscle tension in my neck and back for years! Oh well, feels like a graduation exercise for me on all the personal and professional skills I’ve built over the years.


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