

Ominous in its

Anonymity, the threat

Infiltrates my dream.



Uncertain about

What it is and certain that

It is unwanted.



Proofreading each page

Of my thesis. When turned, the

Words fall to the floor.



Fundraising on both


Member already.


For Ragtag Daily Prompt #6: Nightmare. Details available here if you’d like to join the fun! Short form: put ragtag daily prompt and RDP in your tags and pingback to the prompt.

Look for our new site, tentatively scheduled to go live tomorrow–if you follow the site, you’ll get the prompt every day.

6 thoughts on “Nightmare

    1. Actually, I just donate to both organizations. Struggling this week as they are both fundraising, interrupting my listening/watching habits. Very minor as nightmares go. Thanks for reading!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. That is actually a dream I had after finishing my senior thesis–30 pages, along with about 300 scientific citations. In the old days, manually typewritten, no copy yet made. I was proofing in my dream, and the words fell off the page as I turned them. My all time favorite anxiety dream!

      Liked by 1 person

    1. whatever floats your boat, Marilyn? I used to wander a building that resembled my elementary school hunting for the room to take the exam for the math class I never went to. Terror enough without a dress or undress code.


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